When you supply your personal details to this clinic, they are stored and processed for the following reasons, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We need to collect and keep comprehensive and accurate personal information about your health, in order to provide you with safe and appropriate physiotherapy treatment.From the information you have provided, we would normally contact you, in order to confirm your appointments by email or text message.We will contact you with details of other products and services that we provide. You may withdraw from this consent at any time by contacting the practice directly.
In order to provide you with a high standard of care and attention, we need to hold personal information about you. This personal data comprises:
Your past and current medical and health conditions, personal details such as your date of birth, address, telephone number, email address and your general medical practitioner.Information about the treatment we have provided or propose to provide and its costs. Notes ofconversations/incidents that might occur for which a record needs to be kept. Records of consent to treatment. Any correspondence relating to you with other health care professionals and health insurance companies.
We have a legal obligation to retain your records, for 8 years after your most recent appointment, or for children until the age of 25, if this is longer.
After this period, you can ask us to delete your records if you wish. Your paper health records are stored in a locked facility, electronic records of appointments are stored on a password protected cloud host. The information is not accessible to the public, and only authorised members of staff have access to it.
In order to provide proper and safe care, we may need to disclose personal information about you to your general medical practitioner, the hospital or other health professionals, caring for you. Disclosure will only take place on a ‘need to know’ basis, so that only those individuals who need to know, in order to provide care to you, will be given the information. In very limited circumstances, or when required by law or a court order, personal data may have to be disclosed to a third party not connected with your health care. In all other situations, disclosure that is not covered by this Code of Practice will only occur when we have your specific consent. Where possible, you will be informed of these requests for disclosure.
You do have the right of access to the data that we hold about you, and to receive a copy. Access may be obtained by making a request in writing. We will provide a copy of the record within 30 days of receipt of the request.
If you do not wish the personal data we hold about you to be disclosed, or used in the way that is described in this policy, then please inform The Enable Movement via email. You do have the right to object, but this may affect our ability to provide you with care. If you feel that your personal data has been mishandled in any way, you have a right to complain. Complaints can be made in writing to Lisa Kerry, Founder & Owner, The Enable Movement. If you are not satisfied with our response, then you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
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